Wednesday, July 15, 2009

K.'s hospital stay, and the sex is...

How was that for a catchy title? I don't know what the deal is but I sure hope J. does not have to go to the hospital any time soon. The next hospital stay better be mine when I have my 3rd baby boy! Isn't that crazy?! I told my mother in law that I would be shocked to my grave if it was a boy and sure enough the first thing we see is a little wee wee. There was no missing it! As far as me being shocked to my grave I was not to far from it after the day, night, and day I had just had with K.
Yesterday as we started the normal morning ritual of cleaning up our rooms, making beds, getting dressed etc. she was complaining about her tummy hurting. Of course I thought she was trying to avoid clean up but a few minutes later she had crocodile tears and could hardly walk. When we got to the doc. office her temp was 103.6 and her white blood cell count was high. We got sent to the hospital for all kinds of testing and the poor girl had to have an X Ray, cat scan, tube down the nose, and 15 pokes all said and done. It was horrible! They tried twelve times to get an I.V. in and three to draw the blood. They had to put a tube down her nose so they could pump barium for the cat scan into her tummy. But every time they pushed it in she puked! We finally got to sleep at eleven that night and by the next morning they knew nothing more than it was a viral/bacterial something! I have to take her to get her blood drawn again today because she had bacteria growing in her blood culture.
I will post again when and if we ever get any kind of an answer.


Jon and Heidi said...

We are so excited that you are having a third boy. Boys are really fun! That sounds like a horrible day at the hospital hope it all gets better. I will send you an invite to our blog!

Emily said...

Oh my goodness. I hope they get everything figured out SOON!
Congrats on the boy!

DebLawson said...

yay for boys!!

Please keep us posted on K. and what the blood tests show, alright?
Scary stuff....

Lori Muir said...

Poor little girl! I'm so sorry. I hope they figure something to help her out. Good luck with the boy!

Tanya said...

Good greif girl....yes, keep us posted on K. I agree- only the mommies go to teh hospital!! (and ONLY when its time!)

Shelley Gee said...

Hey Luke's!!! I can't remember if I have seen your blog before but I am so glad that I found you (again?). I can't believe that your kids are so grown up!!! You all look great!

Laura Pants said...

Ah boys - I feel your pain/joy!
Good luck with the sick stuff, hopefully it is nothing, and btw I can't believe you are due so soon... It goes fast when it's not my pregnancy!